Impolite Conversations
On Race, Politics, Sex, Money and Religion
“Intelligent and thought provoking.”
Publishers Weekly
It has often been said that one shouldn’t talk about religion or politics, in certain settings, for fear of alienation or offense. But what happens when not only do you talk about religion and politics; but you add sex, money and race to the discussion? You get an honest, informative and unflinching conversation that can serve as part wake-up call, and part call-to-action. This is what you can expect to find in IMPOLITE CONVERSATIONS: On Race, Politics, Sex, Money and Religion by Cora Daniels and John L. Jackson Jr.
Cora Daniels
Author, Journalist, and Speaker
Cora Daniels is an award-winning journalist and author. She was a long-time staff writer at Fortune, an editor at Working Mother magazine and at Consumer Reports magazine, and currently contributes regularly to Essence magazine. Her work has also appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Fast Company magazine, Men’s Fitness, O: The Oprah Magazine and USA Today, among others. As an author, Cora has been called “dynamic”, “perceptive”, and “a powerful voice.”

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Simon & Schuster
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Master Media Speakers Bureau